Monday, March 28, 2011

so much for the First Amendment

so much for the First Amendment: "

Do not, repeat: NOT raise your fist to the American people

unless you can live with a bloody stump.

Media Media Matters to Launch Campaign of ‘Guerrilla Warfare and Sabotage’ Against Fox News

“The strategy that we had had toward Fox was basically a strategy of containment,” said David Brock, the founder of Media Matters. Now the strategy of the liberal group has changed. The new strategy is “war on Fox.”

Politico reports that Brock’s guerilla war against Fox is almost assuming the strategy of grassroots political activism:

The group, launched as a more traditional media critic, has all but abandoned its monitoring of newspapers and other television networks and is narrowing its focus to Fox and a handful of conservative websites, which its leaders view as political organizations and the “nerve center” of the conservative movement. The shift reflects the centrality of the cable channel to the contemporary conservative movement, as well as the loathing it inspires among liberals — not least among the donors who fund Media Matters’ staff of about 90, who are arrayed in neat rows in a giant war room above Massachusetts Avenue.

Brock plans to hire an opposition research team in its campaign against Fox News, showing that Media Matters is shifting its focus from media criticism to political activism, as Politico’s Ben Smith notes. [more]

This is an act of repression, pure and simple, Gestapoism, brown/black-shirtery, Red-Guardism, naked suppression of dissent, a betrayal of American liberty.

If Soros can be shown to be behind it, he needs to be hanged as the revolutionary, seditionist, and traitor he is.

If Obama allows this outrage to continue with his party’s funding and participation, he will have dropped any pretense of loyalty to the US Constitution, America, or its citizens. He will have become the enemy of us whom he has called his “enemies.” He will have officially become a tyrant worthy of impeachment, our only recourse according to the Constitution.

Barry, don’t make us consider the Constitution merely a “living document” to be interpreted at will. Without that honest and faithful contract that millions of us have sworn a sacred oath to uphold, your government is illegitimate, and free men will fall back on the authority of the Declaration … and of Nature’s law.

Remember, Barry, the Rubicon was only a stream.

We’ve come to Barry Caesar, not to praise him.

Don’t turn the Tea Party into a Toga Party.


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