Thursday, June 30, 2011

United Nations’ New Arms Watchdog: North Korea

United Nations’ New Arms Watchdog: North Korea: "

This is what makes people dismiss the United Nations as a geopolitical joke. Take the most bellicose, militarized, scofflaw nation on earth. Now make it the head of a disarmament council.

The presidency of U.N.’s Conference on Disarmament is now held by North Korea. Its representative on the body, So Se Pyong, announced that he “welcomed any sort of constructive proposals that strengthened the work and credibility of the body.” Except, clearly, for the obvious suggestion that North Korea resign so as to avoid making the entity a laughing stock.

If there’s an upside, it’s that the Conference on Disarmament is already a broken instrument. Its members openly refer to its “current paralysis.” It’s failed to negotiate a fissile material cut-off treaty for 13 years running, a core part of its rationale. As a forum for negotiating arms reduction deals, U.N. Dispatch’s Mark Leon Goldberg writes, it’s “a backwater in the U.N. system.”

With the Norks in charge — the conference’s presidency rotates every few weeks — it’s hardly going to get less backwater-y. Lest we forget, this is a country that withdrew from the Nonproliferation Treaty, repeatedly threatens South Korea with a “merciless retaliatory sacred war,” nearly started such a war in the fall and might be preparing for its third nuclear test in a decade.

On the bright side, Pyongyang probably give up the presidency before it spreads nuclear material to the four corners of the Earth.

Photo: Flickr/Yeowatzup

WordPress 3.2: Write More, IE Less

WordPress 3.2: Write More, IE Less: "

WordPress has released an upgrade for the popular, self-hosted blogging platform. Unlike the last few WordPress upgrades, which focused on improving developer tools, WordPress 3.2 is primarily about changes ordinary users will appreciate. The revamped admin section, for instance, offers a new “distraction-free,” full screen editor, and, as we noted earlier, this version finally drops support for Internet Explorer 6.

If you’d like to upgrade, head over to the WordPress site and download a copy of WordPress 3.2.

The theme for WordPress’ latest incarnation is “faster and lighter.” That’s reflected in new tools like the simplified admin interface, which offers a fullscreen editor mode. The fullscreen mode is modeled on the interface found in writing apps like WriteRoom or OmmWriter, where the focus is primarily the text, and not the bells and whistles on the main new post page.

Another aspect of the faster and lighter motto for WordPress 3.2 means eliminating the cruft, also known as dropping support for IE 6. That won’t of course affect your site’s visitors (unless your theme has dropped IE 6), but it does mean that the WordPress 3.2 admin won’t work in IE 6, something to keep in mind if you’re upgrading a site that has numerous admin users.

For now WordPress hasn’t dropped support for IE 7, though an early outline of what to expect in WordPress 3.2 did say that this release will also start the end-of-life cycle for Internet Explorer 7.

For a full list of the new features found in WordPress 3.2, head over to the release notes page.

See Also:

Un-freakin’-believable: Obama puts Israel on list of countries that support terrorism

Un-freakin’-believable: Obama puts Israel on list of countries that support terrorism: "

Can someone please explain to us why there is a single Jew left in America who supports Obama and the Democrats? No, seriously. Someone explain, because It is a complete mystery to us.

Especially now that the Obama administration has used the most twisted logic imaginable to justify listing Israel as a nation that supports terrorism.


So says the Obama administration

CNS News has the bizarre details:

In an implicit admission that Israel is so threatened by terrorism that it is not only surrounded by countries and territories that produce terrorists but also unwillingly harbors terrorists within its own territory in a way the most other nations in the world do not, the Obama administration is currently listing Israel among 36 “specially designated countries” it believes “have shown a tendency to promote, produce, or protect terrorist organizations or their members.”

To review, Israel is threatened by terrorism. Israel unwillingly harbors terrorists. Therefore, Israel promotes terrorism.

It’s going to take someone much smarter than us to figure out the serpentine logic in that statement.

Source: CNS News

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chef Boyardee Recipes

Chef Boyardee Recipes: "image

Every page has the same text.

1) Open can.

2) Dump in saucepan.

3) Heat and serve.


Hugo to workers’ paradise

Hugo to workers’ paradise: "

Self-imposed death panel.

You know, an ironing board.

From all available reports, Hugo Chavez is in critical condition in a hospital in Cuba. The Venezuelan communist dictator was taken to Cuba several weeks ago for an emergency surgery ….

In the irony of ironies, Hugo Chavez was faced with the decision to have to leave his own nation, and the health care system that was supposed to be an example for other nations, to receive care from another questionable health care system in Cuba. Chavez, a believer that the state should control all industry, including medical services, could not receive the adequate treatment for his life threatening condition in his own nation. This could be because he does not trust any of the doctors in Venezuela with his life threatening condition, or, that there are no doctors left in his nation that are capable of undertaking such surgeries with good outcomes.

[H]owever, even in Cuba, it appears that he is receiving sub-par health care. This should be a “teachable” moment for all those who believe in centralized health care. [more]

Awwww … now my broken heart needs surgery.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Good Enough To Eat: Oreo Cream Cameos

Good Enough To Eat: Oreo Cream Cameos: "oreo-cameos.jpg

This is a series of famous cameos carved from the cream in Oreos by artist Judith G. Klauser. Sure some might argue they're a waste of perfectly good Oreos, but I would eat them anyway. And that includes off the floor. 'Dammit GW, you're nasty.' I EAT MY GIRLFRIEND'S HAIR, SO WHAT?!

Judith's Website (with some even freakier stuff going on)
Food Art of the Day []

Thanks to Margie, who once sharpened a stale Chips Ahoy into a shiv and stabbed Cookie Monster.

Bite me, hosebags! on Faceybooks and Tweeter

Video of the Day: who knew math could be so fun?

Video of the Day: who knew math could be so fun?: "Video of the Day: who knew math could be so fun?

If you're doing math the old fashioned way (ahem, with a calculator) — might we suggest an alternative? Visual multiplication. Not only does it make arithmetic look fun, but it works! Check out the video to see how dolphins factor into the calculations.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Chris Matthews’ moment of unintended honesty: “I hate that so-called evenhanded so-called objective journalism”

Chris Matthews’ moment of unintended honesty: “I hate that so-called evenhanded so-called objective journalism”: "

As we near the half way mark of 2011, Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz are locked it a tight race to determine which MSNBC host can say the most stupid things in one twelve month period.

Schultz currently holds a narrow lead despite serving a one week suspension for calling Laura Ingraham a slut.

Matthews seems determined to win this competition for the third year in a row (the famed Three-peat) and racked up another point Tuesday night for saying this:

“I hate that so-called evenhanded so-called objective journalism. You know, you know, you can’t say something isn’t true if it’s true in the interest of evenhandedness.”

Matthews is, of course, an expert at so-called journalism, since it is the the only kind of journalism practiced at MSNBC.


Oh, What do you do in the Summertime?

Oh, What do you do in the Summertime?: "

Sorry, you may be halfway through summer, but this is my first day of it, so I am looking forward and planning the next two months.  I’d love to here what you have going on.

(Not an endorsement).


Friday, June 24, 2011

Why Van Jones’ Anti-Tea Party Will Fail

Why Van Jones’ Anti-Tea Party Will Fail: "

He talks about “rebuilding America,” but his ideas will do nothing of the sort.

Last night, Van Jones launched what he’s calling the “American Dream Movement.” Jones, as you may remember, was President Obama’s Green Czar before he resigned amidst controversy. He was hired last year by Princeton University as a visiting lecturer in the Center for African American Studies.

In his almost two-hour, live-streamed event launch—which was heavily promoted by the liberal group—Jones laid out the liberal vision for America. He called the simple truth that our country has a major debt and deficit problem “a dangerous lie” and led the crowd in chants of “America is not broke!”

In one particularly shocking part of his speech, Jones seemed to compare conservatives to terrorists, saying, “Paul Ryan’s budget would knock out more critical American infrastructure than our sworn enemies ever dreamed of knocking out.” This is specially dangerous territory for one such as Jones, who has found himself in trouble before for signing a petition suggesting that America was at fault on 9/11 or complicit in al-Qaeda’s attacks on our nation—the so-called truther movement.

Throughout his speech, he repeated many of the same tropes of the left that we’ve heard before: that America is not broke, that the wealthy don’t pay their fair share, that union membership is the foundation of the middle class, that wages have remained stagnant, etc.

Jones ended by questioning the patriotism of the Tea Party movement. With a nod to Vice President Joe Biden, he discussed the patriotism of paying higher taxes and took to calling his fellow progressives the “deeper patriots,” as if patriotism is determined by how much of other people’s money you can spend.

But perhaps the major conceit in Jones’s address was the notion that the economy is a zero-sum game where the success of one person hinders your ability to succeed. If you’re not doing well, it’s because someone else is getting ahead at your expense. “We’re not broke,” Jones said early on in his presentation, “We’ve been robbed.”

As Rachel Weiner over at The Washington Post notes, this isn’t the first attempt at a sort of anti–Tea Party, and not even the first attempt by Jones:

A coalition of liberal and civil-rights groups united under the “One Nation” banner last year and held a rally on the National Mall in October. After the election, the group—in which Van Jones was involved—fizzled.

We will see in the coming weeks whether this newest movement fares any better. But ultimately, it’s doomed to fail. There’s a reason the Tea Party movement wasn’t launched with a slick website or a webcast. The Tea Party was the result of a growing feeling in this country that things aren’t on the right track, that we weren’t being told the truth by our leaders.

The Tea Party is the small business owner struggling under the weight of more and more regulations, the senior citizen wondering how the government can possibly afford to keep its promises, the parents concerned that their child will be worse off than they. In short, the Tea Party is a selfless movement driven by the desire to save our country before it’s too late.

This new effort by Van Jones is something else entirely. It’s supported by those who, like AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, know they have a vested interest in keeping government big and are trying to convince the rest of us that we do, too. This “American Dream Movement” is about fostering jealously and class warfare to justify expansive social programs and bigger government in order to, as President Obama explained, “fundamentally [transform] the United States of America.”

There are two important lessons from Jones’s presentation for conservatives.

First, conservatives need to keep educating the public, because we have real solutions to the nation’s most pressing issues. The left knows they have to do something because, as Charles Krauthammer explained earlier this year, “they’ve lost the American people” and are struggling with serious Tea Party envy. After all, liberals control the Senate. They control the White House. But they know they’re losing the public.

Secondly, while we explain the importance of reducing government and righting our fiscal house, we can’t forget to explain the other half of our message—how taking these steps not only keeps us from going off the cliff but can help stimulate growth and create jobs. In one of the videos played during the event, a woman says, “The American dream is worth fighting for.” Heritage agrees, which is why we launched an actual plan to preserve that dream and ensure that it exists for future generations. We call it “Saving the American Dream,” and you can learn about it here.



Geeky Game Lets You Golf on Saturn’s Moons

Geeky Game Lets You Golf on Saturn’s Moons: "

We may someday learn that Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus is a comfortable home for microbial life swimming in subsurface oceans. But it already makes a great par 5.

The Cassini imaging team used the Saturn-orbiting spacecraft’s stunning images as the backdrop to Golf Sector 6, an adorably geeky flash game that lets you play golf on 13 of the gas giant’s moons.

“The whole point is to give people the sense of being along for the ride,” said imaging team leader Carolyn Porco of the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado. “Not just to convey the science, but to allow people that visceral enjoyment of seeing how beautiful and alien things are out there.”

The game mechanics are simple: You play a tiny human golfer standing on the craggy surface of one of Saturn’s largest moons, while the great ringed planet floats slowly by in the background. To hit the ball, click the golfer and drag a green line to aim and swing (the length of the line determines how hard you hit). The hole — or in this case, crater — is marked with a little red flag.

The physics is also simple, and mostly realistic. Each planet has a different gravity determined by its size and density. The ball’s trajectory follows Newton’s laws of motion. The creators cheated just a little: They assumed the moons were all spherical, and they sped up the timescale by a factor of 250. With realistic timescales, it would take hours for the ball to make it around the moons once.

Oh, and the sound effects. In space, no one can hear your golf club make a light saber noise.

Image: A screenshot taken shortly after this reporter’s ball was zapped by Mimas’s Death Star crater. Credit Lisa Grossman/

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Stimulus Plan Same as the Old: Spend, Spend, Spend

New Stimulus Plan Same as the Old: Spend, Spend, Spend: "

While the rest of the country talks about the urgent need to reduce the crushing debt burden and get the U.S. fiscal house in order, Senators such as Harry Reid (D–UT) and Charles Schumer (D–NY) propose spending even more.

But unlike the main character in the musical “Spend, Spend, Spend,” these stimulus advocates didn’t recently win a fortune. On the contrary, President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package increased the federal deficit and took the country deeper into debt without delivering on the promise to create jobs. Faced with the failure of his stimulus package, the President even joked recently that “Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected.”

Yet the President’s statement misses the bigger picture. It’s not just that stimulus projects weren’t as shovel-ready as the President had hoped—government spending does not stimulate economic growth or job creation, period.

The money the government redistributes must come from somewhere. Whether government stimulus represents current or future taxes, the story remains the same. By sucking money out of the private sector to hand to favored industries, the government reduces long-term productivity as scarce resources are transferred to less productive sectors and firms. As The Heritage Foundation explains:

Congress does not have a vault of money waiting to be distributed. Every dollar Congress injects into the economy must first be taxed or borrowed out of the economy. No new spending power is created. It is merely redistributed from one group of people to another. …In fact, large stimulus bills often reduce long-term productivity by transferring resources from the more productive private sector to the less productive government. The government rarely receives good value for the dollars it spends. However, stimulus bills provide politicians with the political justification to grant tax dollars to favored constituencies.

Ironically, news of the new “stimulus” plan came the same day that the Congressional Budget Office released its long-term budget report confirming the dire fiscal situation. But growing deficits and debt don’t seem to concern these Senators enough to actually get serious about spending cuts. According to Reuters:

A senior Democratic aide said the job-creation idea Senate Democrats are now pursuing represented a pivot in the deficit-reduction negotiations.

He said the idea presented to the White House has three components to help create jobs: new infrastructure spending, a payroll tax cut and support for clean energy jobs.

He did not say how large the infrastructure spending proposal would be.

Instead of wasting more of taxpayers’ hard-earned money on cronies and not-so-shovel-ready projects, Congress and the President should pursue policies that actually stimulate the engines of economic recovery and growth. As Heritage fiscal policy expert J.D. Foster explains:

They can do so by improving incentives to produce and to work: for example, by reducing regulations and tax distortions. They can do so by reducing the uncertainties surrounding future policy. They can do so by expanding foreign markets for domestic goods and services. Recent efforts to stimulate the economy have been unsuccessful because they did little or none of these things. Regulations have increased. Uncertainty has increased. Tax distortions have been left in place or even increased in some areas. And efforts toward free trade have been anemic, at best.

If Congress and the President want to get serious about creating jobs, they should take the approach of no-cost stimulus. Real growth policies don’t require more government spending. Rather, they reduce barriers to job creation for America’s businesses and entrepreneurs—the true engines of economic growth.


California blows $100 million building one new school, but doesn’t have enough money to open it

California blows $100 million building one new school, but doesn’t have enough money to open it: "

We don’t know what it’s like in the other 56 states, but in California we have an interesting situation in which morons are in charge of the education system.

In Riverside, California (the Editor’s hometown) the voters approved construction of a new high school back in 2007. The total cost of its construction eventually reached an astounding $100 million.

One. Hundred. Million. Dollars. For that kind of money the school mascot should be George Soros.

hillcrest high school

The architect's rendering of HIllcrest High School was very accurate. Except for its inclusion of students.

Construction is now complete, but the district can’t afford to open it because it would cost another $3 million to operate it each year and the district is tapped out. So neighboring schools will remain overcrowded while the new Hillcrest High School gathers dust and cobwebs.

Yahoo News reports the idiocy:

Wendell Tucker of the Alvord Unified School District said the district’s $130 million operating budget had been cut by $25 million.

“When the California budget goes down and income in the state goes down, funding to K-through-12 education goes with it,” Tucker told USA Today. “We made a number of budget adjustments. Right now, we simply are out of adjustments, and it’s not feasible … to open this school.”

And it’s not clear that things will be any different in 2012. “We’ll look at it on a year by year basis,” Tucker added.

But wait. We know this is hard to believe, but it gets worse.

… even though the school won’t be in use, the district will still have to spend $1 million to maintain the buildings and run air conditioning and other systems, to keep them from deteriorating.

May we be so bold as to suggest that if the school ever opens it might be a good idea to make economics a required class.

H/T: Kimmy Queen

Source: Yahoo News


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Transparency Is Dead in Debt Limit Negotiations

Transparency Is Dead in Debt Limit Negotiations: "

The Washington Post reports that “lawmakers speed up debt-reduction talks.” The headline of that story should read “Lawmakers speed up secret debt-limit talks; details scarce.” Once again, in classic Washington style, these talks are in secret and behind closed doors. Where is the transparency?

The White House and congressional leaders are accelerating negotiations over the biggest debt-reduction package in at least two decades amid mounting concern that the effort is running out of time. Over the next six weeks, negotiators must strike a bipartisan compromise to slice more than $2 trillion from the federal budget by 2021, reduce the complex plan to writing and persuade a bitterly divided Congress to support it.

These negotiators include Vice President Joe Biden, Senators Jon Kyl (R–AZ), Max Baucus (D–MT), and Daniel Inouye (D–HI), and Representatives Eric Cantor (R–VA), Jim Clyburn (D–SC), and Chris Van Hollen (D–MD). They have been meeting in secret for weeks, and little information about the nature of any agreement has been made public. Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner must be in the loop, because he stated this week that he sees “a lot of progress” in the talks. The only thing we know is that Democrats are pushing for tax increases and Republicans are pushing for entitlement reform.

They are seeking to increase the debt obligations of this nation by an estimated $2.4 trillion, yet the American people are not allowed to know what deals these politicians are cutting.

The same thing happened earlier this year during the debate on the Fiscal Year 2011 Continuing Resolution:

Leaders in the House and Senate went behind closed doors last week and cut a last minute deal to avert a government slowdown. The American people were not presented a specific list of what was in the closed door agreement before the actual text of the continuing resolution was written. In other words, the leaders agreed to the parameters of a deal, but not the actual legislative text of the final continuing appropriations bill to be introduced and voted upon by the House and Senate.

In December of last year, the bill that extended tax cuts for all Americans was negotiated in secret. A deal was cut behind closed doors, and the final tax bill looked far different than the announced deal. Dealmakers used the tax deal to pass a number of tax extenders that continued preferential tax provisions for many special interest groups.

Secrecy during the Obamacare negotiations sparked outrage by conservatives in Congress almost two years ago. Conservatives demanded President Obama fulfill his promise to televise negotiations on C-SPAN. After a deal was cut behind closed doors, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D–NV) sent the bill (the “Vapor Bill”) to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) without letting Senators and the American public read it.

It has been one week since the Senate Majority Leader announced that he had sent his health care bill to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the American people still have not seen Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D–NV) version of Obamacare. Last week 40 Senators signed a letter asking Reid to make all materials he sent to the CBO public.

The stimulus negotiations are another example of a bill that was drafted in secret and then forced down the throats of the American people. Sadly, transparency has become the empty promise of both parties, and both are guilty of cutting the American people out of the legislative process.

At a minimum, the House and Senate should conduct the debt limit debate under the regular rules of proceeding to bills. They should introduce the legislation and allow committees to have hearings. An open mark-up of any debt limit increase measure should be scheduled in the committees of jurisdiction in the House and Senate.

Then the House and Senate should roll out the legislation under an open procedure that allows the chambers to vote on amendments. The debate should occur over a whole week and allow for all members to have a say. This would grant the American people time to digest a deal and to talk to Members of Congress. Anything less would violate the duty politicians have to the voters to allow them sufficient time to participate in the debate over allowing the federal government to borrow more than the $14.3 trillion legal limit.

The only ideas in the open are in the conservative push for “Cut, Cap, and Balance.” This plan has three elements, and they are displayed on the website. Proponents of Cut, Cap, and Balance have provided the American people with specific ideas that are up for public debate.

The secrecy practiced by many politicians in Washington, D.C. is unconscionable.


Mmm…yeah…I’m gonna need you to go ahead and give me back that paycheck

Mmm…yeah…I’m gonna need you to go ahead and give me back that paycheck: "

California lawmakers must forfeit their pay as of mid-June because the budget they passed last week — which Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed less than 24 hours later -– was not balanced, the state controller said Tuesday.

Since last week, Controller John Chiang, a Democrat, has been pondering whether to pay lawmakers. They passed budget legislation on June 15, meeting their constitutional deadline for only the second time in a quarter-century, but their plan relied heavily on accounting schemes to paper over the state’s deficit. In his veto message, Brown said he could not sign such a plan.

Voters approved a law last fall that empowered legislators to pass a budget with a simple majority vote but also threatened to strip them of pay for every day the blueprint is late. The measure makes no mention of approving a balanced budget, but other laws on the books dictate that state budgets be balanced.

Chiang’s decision is widely expected to spur a lawsuit, and lawmakers had begun questioning his authority over their pay even before he made his decision.

Senate President Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) said Monday that docking lawmakers’ pay would be a “dangerous” precedent. Steinberg, a lawyer, said it would throw out of whack the balance of power between the branches of government.

Governors and finance officials should not have the power to control the pay of 120 independently elected lawmakers simply because they don’t like what those lawmakers produce, he said.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

leave shattered ‘lympian minds in your wake

leave shattered ‘lympian minds in your wake: "

It’s perfect. They think everything’s a conspiracy anyway.

Finish your assignment! »

And only we know that it is. ಠ_ಠ


30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography: "

Landscape photography is one of the most amazing photography types that concern with nature open places such as fields, sea shores, mountains…etc.

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

While the landscape photography does not require special photography equipments, finding the right scene and time to take the photo is one of the most important factors in this type of photography.

Today’s showcase includes amazing examples of landscape photography from different places around the world. If you enjoy this showcase, you may like to check the following showcases:

Andy Mumford

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Sean Foo

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

David Richter

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Mark Littlejohn

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Boris Frkovic

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Kani Polat

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Filipe Correia

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Aaron Reed

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Mary Kay

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography


30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Xavier Jamonet

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

OaKy Isra

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Navid Baraty

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Mikko Lagerstedt

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Brian Kerr

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Weerapong Chaipuck

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Alper Çukur

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography


30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography


30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Simone Lenzi

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Peter Hammer

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Jorge Fonseca

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Patrick Smith

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Justin Reznick

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Teuku Jody Zulkarnaen

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Ville Varumo

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Stephane Suisse

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Gabriel Guibert

30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography


30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography


30 Amazing Examples of Landscape Photography

Finally, I hope you enjoy this landscape photography examples.

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