Monday, November 1, 2010

A Self Love Journey and Giveaway

A Self Love Journey and Giveaway: "I'm delighted to present this guest post on Beautiful You by the lovely Michelle McGrath from Sacred Self.  I'm sure you will agree with me that Michelle's journey of self love and her words of wisdom are incredibly touching and thought provoking.  Read on to learn more about Michelle, her beautiful alchemical oils, a special offer AND a giveaway. 

Self-love is a choice I make moment by moment. When I spend my time worrying what others think, then I'm not being present to how I feel.  Of course I still have times where I’m yearning for love externally, but I can recognise it and snap out of this behaviour quicker, letting go of the expectation I’m projecting onto another.

I realised some years ago that if I could be ok with myself then it would be so much easier to be more accepting and less judgmental of others. If I could be a little less defensive, maybe I could even be open to receiving compliments rather than brushing them off.  A few lightbulbs later I realised that this self-love notion was the only answer to all my insecurities and doubts.  So I made a conscious decision to open myself up to 100% self-love and thus began quite a journey through many murky layers.  I was shocked at what erupted to the surface and what had been waiting for me to address.  I began to really understand that everything unexpressed is stored in our bodies waiting to be felt, acknowledged and let go of.  I regularly found myself in situations where I felt rejected and plunged into a cesspit of depression, anger, jealousy, resentment and self-loathing.  It was like I had to keep experiencing the same lesson over and over until I really got it.

I noticed how easy it was to slip into victim mode, constantly asking myself what was wrong with me, why was I so unlovable, why couldn’t ‘they’ see me?  After what felt like Ground Hog Day, I started to ask myself some leading questions "If I can't find what's lovable about me, then how can I expect anyone else to?  If all I can see are my faults, then how can anyone else see what’s great about me?  If I can't treat myself with kindness and respect, then why should anyone?”  Why indeed?

Frequently we look for validation in our relationships and project this responsibility onto others. No-one can 'make' us feel anything and yet how often do we play the blame game and become very attached to ‘the story?'  It's very disempowering and yet we constantly give our power away like this every day in the words we use and the choices we make.  Learning to love and get to know myself continues to be full of surprises and special moments.  If I can truly love and accept myself, exactly as I am and focus on making myself happy, then just imagine what could really be possible for me?  And for you.

Part of my journey to self-love has also involved the creation of Sacred Self alchemical oils. Each one of these blends is a combination of love, energy, certified organic oils, vibrational essences, sacred symbols, sound, mandalas and an affirmation - not to mention blood, sweat and tears. Each one has taken me on a deep journey into myself and the various layers that I have created through my life experience. They are reminders to accept myself as I am, particularly the parts I’ve often ignored. I use them on a daily basis and and I love to share them with others. My dream is to spread self-love around the world and assist others in remembering that all the love they want and need is inside of them.

Thank you for sharing your journey with us Michelle and for making such beautiful products that bring so much to so many.  Michelle kindly sent me her Self Love Oil to use and I just love it.  I had no idea that you could use essential oils in place of perfume but because of their gentleness on the skin and their beautiful smell - you can with Michelle's oils.  They smell amazing and really do give you a lift.  

Michelle has kindly offered Beautiful You readers a special offer.  You can buy two Sacred Self Oils for the price of one between now and November 14th.  Buy a bottle for yourself and give one as a gift to a loved one!  $44 +postage.  Contact Michelle at with Beautiful You special offer in the subject header.

I also have a Sacred Self bottle of Goddess Oil to give away to a reader valued at $44.  Just leave me a comment below (ensure I can contact you!) sharing your biggest tip for learning to love yourself.  Open worldwide until November 10th.  Can't wait to read your tips!

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