Please attempt not to recoil in horror when you read this news: Michele Bachmann’s husband, who runs a mental health clinic in Minnesota, has accepted Medicaid payments totaling “$137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005.” According to our calculator that amounts to $22,000 and change a year.
Michele Bachmann and her husband getting all giddy over the big Medicaid bucks they're raking in
Despite that meager total, NBC’s Investigative Reporter – excuse us, National Investigative Correspondent – Michael Isikoff breathlessly reports that the clinic “describes itself on its website as offering ‘quality Christian counseling’ for a large number of mental health problems ranging from ‘anger management’ to addictions and eating disorders.” (Note that Isikoff manages to make “quality Christian counseling” sound akin to “blood letting and leeching.”)
So what’s the problem? Well, Isikoff points out the clinic has been accepting these funds “while Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the “welfare rolls.”
Nothing so shocking has been reported regarding the Congresswoman since Joy Behar fecklessly reported that Bachmann, mother of 5 children and foster mother of 23, “hates children” and is “anti-children”.
But back to Bachmann’s more recent crimes. “She’s giving hypocrisy a bad name,” said Ron Pollock, executive director of Families USA, a consumer health care advocacy group, when asked about the Medicaid payments to Bachmann & Associates. “It’s clear when it feathers her nest she’s happy for Medicaid expenditures. But people that really need it — folks with disabilities and seniors — she’s turning their backs on them.”
It would have been nice if NBC had provided a little insight into Ron Pollock since he’s quoted in their article as if he speaks with something akin to the voice of God. Apparently, though, NBC could not afford to investigate Mr. Pollock as thoroughly as they investigate those he damns as people “giving hypocrisy a bad name.” asks and answers the question “…who is Ron Pollack? And what is Families USA? Just how big are they and who funds them? Well, you’re not going to get an answer on funding. Families USA is tight-lipped about who gives them money, but it’s no bootstrap organization. The 990′s for 2008, the last year they are available until after the 2010 election, show an organization worth tens of millions of dollars.”
The article also asks the question “Who funds them, and who builds up their assets to such a large degree?” and reveals that “We aren’t allowed to know, but we can guess. Let’s take a look at their board of directors, and who do we see on it, but Mary Kay Henry, the new president of SEIU.”
The article goes on to say that “This group gets favorable media attention, but not one reporter ever stops to ask how they are funded, who they are allied with, or just what exactly $45 million will buy?” and summarizes that “In front of you, you have evidence of a foundation with unknown funding that is clearly allied with the healthcare unions who stand to benefit greatly from Obamacare.”
But apparently these salient facts were not as impressive to NBC as the meager $22,000 and change in income that Bachmann’s clinic averaged from Medicare over the last six years.
It appears that Bachmann’s real crimes are three fold: (1) She is a woman. (2) She is a conservative woman. And (3) She is a conservative woman who opposes the leadership of the most glorious president of the ages.
- Written by Patrick Michael
Source: MSNBC,
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