Is it just my perception or are labor protests nowadays consistently bringing out more communists and various assorted America-haters than they used to? Communists, Marxist-Leninists, Trotskyists, Maoists, and other freaks have always been hangers-on at labor demonstrations but a decade ago they tended not to be a significant portion of the crowd.
As I like to say, all political parties and political movements attract kooks, but since Barack Obama became president, the kooks in the labor movement and on the left in general seem to have been multiplying like mogwai in a hot tub. The leftist protests in Madison, Wisconsin, against Gov. Scott Walker’s desperately needed belt-tightening measures seemed to inspire a lot of Marxists to come out of the (union made) woodwork.
Which brings us to a recent labor rally in Chicago at which communists seemed to be in abundance. Union members and anti-American radicals attended a protest there “in solidarity” with the horribly oppressed $150,000 a year bus drivers in Wisconsin who just lost the legal right to collective bargaining.
As RebelPundit observed:
We have noticed an alarming message, prevalent at every single left wing protest we have attended this year in Chicago and the Midwest. While each protest has an official message of a seemingly less alarming cause, such as; Anti-War, Anti-Deportation or “We Are One” with “Union Solidarity”, there is also an extremely disturbing trend of blatant and obvious promotion of a revolutionary transformation of America into a new socialist or communist type of economic system.
The radicals were in full force at the Chicago rally as shown on this video:
RebelPundit noted he had been invited to the rally by a senior employee of the screeching leftist Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-Illinois). If Schakowsky’s not a communist in ideology, she’s pretty close. She happens to be married, by the way, to community organizer and convicted felon Robert Creamer who believed in social justice so much he wrote bad checks to cover his not inconsiderable salary at a left-wing nonprofit. But I digress.
All the communists were strangely invisible to the Chicago Sun-Times. That paper reported:
Laborers, carpenters, electricians, machinists, sheet metal workers, police officers, firefighters, teachers, actors, writers and pharmacists from Illinois and surrounding states marched from corners of the Loop, waving pro-union banners and chanting “We are one.”
Not one word about all the communists in attendance.
Kind of reminds you of the Washington press corps, doesn’t it?
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