Friday, October 30, 2009

Spy cam Coke can looks just like the real thing

Spy cam Coke can looks just like the real thing: "Spy cam Coke can looks just like the real thing

Are there any objects you can trust these days? With cameras and their associated gadgetry getting smaller and smaller, virtually anything can be spying on you at any time. Just look at this spying Coke can, for example.

These fake Coke cans have a tiny camera and DVR built inside, as well as a fake bottom that can be removed to reveal a USB port and on-off switch. They also have a remote control so they can be started and stopped from afar. If this is a camera, what else is hiding spy equipment? Maybe it's best not to think about it.

ChinaGrabber via Technabob


Monday, October 26, 2009

Latvian meteorite crater was hoax

Latvian meteorite crater was hoax: "

Experts who examined the hole near the northern Latvian town of Mazsalaca on said it was too tidy to have been caused by a meteorite.Scientists investigating a large crater initially believed to have been caused by a meteorite said a closer analysis Monday revealed it was a hoax.

Look into this

ScriptureLog for WordPress: "


J. Max Wilson and I are announcing a new plugin for WordPress.

It is called ScriptureLog.

You can also read about the project here."

Friday, October 23, 2009


I'm A Ninja, I Can Do That: Crazy Trampolining: "

This is a video of Oli Lemieux doing some wild ass trampolining plus wall walking and other ninja-y stuff while practicing for a Cirque du Soleil show. It's pretty cool but I could do it all twice as good but I would never film it because I'm modest. Also, the most handsome man on the planet.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

I think I wana play

Sci-fi strategy game AI War acquires new level of sentience: "Sci-fi strategy game AI War acquires new level of sentience

Have you heard of a real time strategy game called AI War: Fleet Command? You have if you read my column on real time strategy games. What began as mostly a one-man project to make a different kind of RTS -- and boy is it different -- has just gotten a substantial makeover.AI War 2.0 is live now, adding new graphics, new explosions, a high score list, achievements, interface improvements, and, of course, a better AI. But that's just scratching the surface of the differences between AI War 1.0 and AI War 2.0.

It really takes the full release notes to convey the magnitude of all the improvements. That document, compiled in one convenient text file, contains 46,573 words of release notes. Thats 175 pages if you paste it into Microsoft Word, or the equivalent of 186 of a printed novel. It's a shortish novel, a novella perhaps, but for a post-release change log, it probably takes the cake.
If you're interested, I should warn you that it's not your standard RTS. It's detailed, involved, and takes a long time to play. It uses a completely different model of gameplay in which you have to carefully work your way through a hostile galaxy, searching for your enemy's homeworld without alerting him too much to your presence. It's a game about scouting, surgical strikes, and calculated risks instead of simply sweeping from planet to planet with a massive fleet. Although that's in there, too.

You can try the demo and then buy a license to activate the full game if it turns out you like it. Get AI War directly from the developer, or from Steam or Direct 2 Drive.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Complaining don't make it fair!

Complaining don't make it fair!: "
Jeffrey has seen things here and there that put questions in his mind. So far, I have been able to put off answering some of the more uncomfortible questions. But this week, he just had to know what certain sanitary products that he has seen on TV and in the house are for. I decided, he is 10 1/2, he can handle the truth. I explained very technically about how eggs are realeased each month and if that egg does not turn into a baby , it causes a girl to bleed. I then told him, perhaps more info than he need to know about how it happens to all girls once they reach a certain age and it happens every month. He took it all in stride, no disgusting look or anything. I said, 'Doesn't seem very fair to girls, does it.' Well, my 10 year old, ever the example of empathy paused, then said, ' Well, boys do have to stay on their missions for 6 months longer than girls.' Hmmm! 'poor boys,' I thought. Isn't their live rough!

Now, I am not complaining or anything, but I do sometimes wonder why Eve was so tempted by that fruit. I mean, if it had been a snickers bar, a slice of pizza, or a hot fudge sundae, then maybe all of this would be worth it. But a piece of fruit? When has that ever been tempting? And what did Adam get? Mow a few lawns, a few bouts with poison ivy, maybe a splinter or two. Oh yea, and he did have to stay out on his mission 6 months longer.
I have a friend who posted a picuture of her belly on her facebook page. She has the bare skin poking out of her shirt, revealing a perfect basketball shape and creamy, smooth skin. I wondered what my profile looked like. I stood sideways in the mirror and saw gaping stretch marks the size of the grand canyon. I turned around, yep, same ones there. I don't look like a basketball, but more like I swallowed 2 canaloupe--which lodged in my backside and one watermelon that hangs over--what used to be my waisteline. All that supported by 2 legs shaped like candycorns teetering on top of size 5 feet that can barely support the extra 40 lbs of fruit~!

But mind you, I am still not complaining. Afterall, pregancy does have it's perks. People are always telling me not to lift things. After 9:00, I can tell Rocky my day is over and he pretty much does anything for me. I get to feel a real life inside me. Hmm, I am trying to think of more, but am distracted by the little athlete inside the watermelon who is practicing kickboxing moves. I am still trying to figure out how 6 extra months of missionary service compares to 36 months total (with at least 2 more to go) of being pregnant, 2 miscarriages, 20+ years of menstration, cramps, 3 labors (with at least one to go) and the future of menopause and hormone replacement therapy, weight gain and permanent strech marks.

I could mention 7 months of post partum depression, morning sickness, heartburn, hemerroids, and stitches in places I don't even like to recall, but that would border on a complaint, which apparently I have no right to do. Rest assured dear Jeffrey, there is a great reward to all boys who serve that last 6 months of the mission. If you work really hard like daddy did, you can come home and find a terrific wife just like me who cooks your meals, sorts your socks, carries your babies, and never complains about it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

But I Wanted Braaains!: A Skull Cake Gallery

But I Wanted Braaains!: A Skull Cake Gallery: "skull-1.jpg

Because there's no better way to celebrate something than with a bitchin' skull cake, this is a little gallery of bitchin' skull cakes. I've decided I want a giant one for my next birthday. Except I want it to be on fire. And I want the Rockettes to leap out of that shit and kick-line me right in the face. Every last one of them, right in the face. And you know what I'll do? Spit out my teeth and smile. Hardcore, HARDCORE!

Hit the jump for the rest."

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Robby The Robot USB Hub: "

Robby the Robot USB Hub (Image courtesy BigBadToyStore)

When it comes to robots, Robby from Forbidden Planet is a true icon. In fact, he’s so much of a celebrity that I remember him making cameos on popular TV shows back in the day. And now he can even make a cameo next to your PC! Unfortunately this version’s only 10-inches tall, but it does include 4 USB 2.0 ports and when connected to your Mac or Windows PC it will light up and play sound clips from the movie. $41.99 from BigBadToyStore available for pre-order now with an ETA of January 2010.

[ 10' Robby the Robot USB Hub ] VIA [ Chip Chick ]


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Congress’ Secret Plan to Pass Obamacare - CONFIRMED

Congress’ Secret Plan to Pass Obamacare - CONFIRMED: "

Leaders in the House and Senate have a plan to pass President Barack Obama’s sweeping health care plan by Thanksgiving without any significant participation by the American public. CNS News has confirmed the details in our September 22nd titled “Passing a Shell of A Bill: Congress’ Secret Plan to Ram Through Health Care Reform.” Nicholas Ballasy reports “a senior aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) told that it is ‘likely’ that Reid will use H.R. 1586—a bill passed by the House in March to impose a 90-percent tax on bonuses paid to employees of certain bailed-out financial institutions—as a ‘shell’ for enacting the final version of the Senate’s health care bill, which Reid is responsible for crafting.”

This story confirms the four part scenario that would railroad the bill through the Senate using a very unusual closed door procedure to craft the bill with no input from the American people.

The four stage plan to pass Obamacare has been publicly confirmed and is ready to be implemented. The following is a comprehensive update:

Step One: “The Senate Finance Committee will finish work on the marking up of Senator Max Baucus’ (D-MT) conceptual framework for legislation by this Friday.” Progress on this had been stalled and the bill was not passed by the end of last week. is reporting that the Congressional Budget Office score of the bill will be released later today and a high score may further stall progress on the Committee’s Vapor Bill. Senate Finance Committee’s progress on passing something out of committee – INCOMPLETE.

Step Two: Next, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will take the final product of the Senate Finance Committee and merge it with the product of the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee. has confirmed that “the actual final text of the legislation will be determined by Reid himself, who will consolidate the legislation approved by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and the still-unapproved legislation from the Senate Finance Committee. Reid will be able to draft and insert textual language that was not expressly approved by either committee.” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will write the final version of Obamacare to be considered in the Senate with no input from the American people. This is an extremely complex procedure that will not be done in public, or in the form of a hearing, or a public conference committee, and only Senator Harry Reid, some other Senators chosen by Reid and Obama Administration officials will be allowed to read the bill before the Senate debate starts. Merger of the bills – IN PROGRESS.

Step Three: Senator Reid will then move to proceed to H.R. 1586, a bill to impose a tax on bonuses received by certain TARP recipients. A senior aid to Senate Majority Leader Ried has confirmed that he will move to proceed to Senate Calendar Number 36, H.R. 1586, or another House passed tax measure, so the Senate can avoid the Constitutional mandate that tax bills originate in the House. Proceed to tax shell of a bill – CONFIRMED.

Step Four: This scenario would most likely be implemented after the Massachusetts state legislature gives Governor Deval Patrick the power to appoint a new Senator and that Senator is seated by the Senate. The Senate swore in new Massachusetts Senator Paul Kirk on September 25th. Change Law of Massachusetts to allow for interim Senator – COMPLETE.

The final step in this plan is for the House to take up Obama care, without amending the legislation, and then sending that bill directly to the President for his signature. Matt Cover at reports “House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) won’t rule out having the House vote on the Senate health-care bill without making any changes in it, which would allow the bill to go directly to President Barack Obama without having to pass through a House-Senate conference committee and another round of votes in the House and Senate–and a longer period of public scrutiny of what the text of the proposed law actually says.” This scenario is in the process of being implemented and, if successful, it will result in Obamacare being on the President’s desk in time for Thansgiving with minimal participation of the American public.

The San Francisco Examiner published an editorial today that exposed the fact that the American people can’t see the bill. “When then-Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama promised not to sign major legislation until it had been posted on the Internet for public reading at least five days, trusting voters took him at his word. Now they know better. Not only is the actual language of what is likely to become the main legislative vehicle for Obama’s signature health care reform not available on the Internet, it hasn’t been given to members of the key Senate committees or the Congressional Budget Office.” The procedure being used, in addition to the exclusion of the American people from the process, should be of grave concern to all who want to participate in democracy and have a say in Congress’ health care reforms that will touch 1/6th of the American economy.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hermes designs stumpy yacht for fat billionaires

Hermes designs stumpy yacht for fat billionaires: "Hermes designs stumpy yacht for fat billionaires

You can tell by the headline that this $143 million yacht is giving me an attack of the green-eyed monster. It's a joint venture by French luxury goods manufacturer Hermes,and Wally, a Monaco-based shipbuilder* and, as someone who doesn't get particularly excited by outsize objects that float, even I am taken aback by her looks.

Known as the WHY 58x38 (her vital statistics, baby), the yacht boasts a 656-sq-foot Master suite and Spa that incorporates a Turkish Hammam, as well as the usual accoutrements of wealth — although there doesn't seem to be one of these on board. One thing I'm not sure that Herm and Wal thought through, however, is the location of the swimming pool. It's wrapped around the helipad, ensuring sunbathers get a healthy coating of oil as they tan.

*DVICE, giving you all the information so you don't have to ask 'where's Wally?'

Via Daily Mail